Monday, January 11, 2010


Praise God; the tools made it, thanks for your prayers. Noah even got his cloths!
We had a very productive day; we took down walls, cleaned up, made several trips to the local hardware store and came up with an overall plan for the week. It was nice earlier in the day as it was cloudy, then it rained and got very humid, but that was close to quiting time so ok!
Not to say that we didnt get sweaty but overall it was a very good start to our week.
We would ask for prayers that the remaining books that were supposed to be removed from the previous owner of a book store are in fact removed tomorrow. That was the only hang up today as there were very, very many books to move around to be able to work.
We had a lot of curious people stop by asking what we were doing; most were excited to hear about a library.
Tomorrow we should hit the ground running and are very optimistic about getting things wrapped up this week.

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